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Category Archive : Dental Health

covering mouth

Do Stomach Ulcers Cause Bad Breath?

Bad breath happens for a lot of reasons. Most of the time it occurs due to poor oral hygiene and food choices. But do stomach ulcers cause bad breath? The answer is yes. In most cases, the bacteria (H. pylori infection) that caused ulcers is the reason why bad breath along with other symptoms takes place. If this is the case, you may opt to visit your dentist to treat halitosis immediately. You can contact MLD Burwood today if you want freshen your breath.

Relationship Between Stomach Ulcers and Bad Breath

upset stomach

So how exactly do stomach ulcers and bad breath relate to each other? A lot of experts have debated about putting the blame on H. pylori infection alone. Mainly because the bacteria do not have a foul odor. However, it has been detected that patients with stomach ulcers are typically carrying another type of bacteria, the Prevotella intermedia. This bacteria is the result of poor oral hygiene which leads to periodontal disease. Most likely, if H. pylori and Prevotella intermedia are combined, bad breath occurs.

A recent study shows that people with stomach cancer and ulcers generally manifest bad breath as well. Our mouth houses hundreds of different species, including multiple good and bad bacteria. Helicobacter pylori have been consistently present in individuals with bad breath and ulcers, making it the common denominator for both health problems. If you are suspecting that your bad breath is caused by ulcers or stomach cancer, it’s best to consult your doctor right away.

Treatment for Bad Breath Due to Ulcers

The best way to get rid of bad breath is by determining its root cause. No matter how hard you try to improve your poor oral hygiene, the foul odor will never go away if it’s mainly because of stomach cancer or other health issues.

To effectively diagnose the cause of your bad breath, be warier of the smell of your breath. This will help you describe the symptoms to the doctor and eventually guide them in finding the best solutions.

For example, if you notice that your stomach is being sensitive to particular foods, then your bad breath is most likely due to stomach acid. But if the smell of your breath is somehow close to the scent of ammonia, kidney infection might be the reason behind it. Take note of these things and explain them clearly to your doctor during your checkup. Your doctor will come up with the best solution if they understood your situation distinctly.

Other Causes Of Bad Breath

Apart from stomach cancer and ulcers, bad breath is also due to poor oral hygiene and many other things. An expert team listed below the most common causes of bad breath that you are probably not aware of:

Dry mouth

Dry mouth has many causes such as drinking alcohol and sleeping with an open mouth. But let us focus on how it is causing bad breath in the mouth. Our mouths need a substantial amount of saliva to keep them healthy. Without enough supply of saliva, the mouth gets dry and that becomes an open invitation for bacteria to come in. The bacteria will be the main cause of bad breath.

Uncleaned tongue

The tongue should not be disregarded in cleaning the mouth. Aside from brushing your teeth and flossing, scraping the tongue should be part of the routine as well. Bacteria also likes to reside in the tongue and cause bad breath. To prevent this, use a tongue scraper regularly.

Low carb diet

If you are on a low-carb diet and your meals are mostly composed of proteins, your body will begin to burn fat to get energy. This process will definitely make you lose weight but the side effect would be bad breath. Bad breath occurs because the fat burning process will produce ketones, a compound that causes foul odor. Good oral care will not solve this matter since the cause is not coming from the mouth, you may conceal the odor with minty gum instead.

Common colds

It may not be noticeable but a common cold can also cause bad breath. Bronchitis and respiratory tract infection are often associated with bad breath. This is because the bacteria that causes these colds feeds on mucus. In addition, mouth breathing becomes a habit due to a stuffed nose.


Whether we like it nor not, medications have side effects that we cannot escape from. Unfortunately, for some drugs, that includes an unpleasant breath odor. A lot of anti-depressants are proven to cause dry mouth which results in bad breath. Sometimes, there is no way to change your prescribed medication, dentists suggest keeping yourself hydrated instead.

Tonsil stones

Apparently, tonsil stones are also one of the things to blame for stinky breath. when food particles, debris, bacteria, mucus, and dead cells get trapped together in the ridge of your tonsils and back of the tongue, they create white clusters. Oftentimes, these things do not cause any serious problem, but bad breath is definitely on its way. They also get removed on their own, but for a faster process, gargle with saltwater.

Dried fruits
cause of bad breath

Are you an avid fan of dried fruits? Well, get ready as your favorite snack might be responsible for your bad breath. The reason behind this is because dried fruits are sticky, and sticky foods cause plaque that leads to bad breath and tooth decay. Plus, dried fruits are high in sugar which is also the reason for decaying teeth.


GERD has many other symptoms. And one of them is bad breath. This is due to the smell of the undigested food from your stomach that goes back up. If this is the case, talk to your doctor about the best solutions.

Periodontal disease

Poor oral hygiene has plenty of consequences. Neglecting your oral health might cause you many things. It might result in tooth loss, bad breath, and other health complications. The best way to avoid this from happening is by practicing good dental hygiene.

A foul odor and bad breath are some of the most unlikeable traits a person could ever have. Even though it’s a result of a health condition, not everyone will be very understanding of their causes. Consult your doctor on how to get rid of the smell. Get informed about your options!

The woman is excited to visit her dentist.

Remove Tartar From Teeth: Best Home Remedies and Dental Treatment

Tartar can limit your smile and confidence. Luckily, there are different ways to remove tartar from teeth. You can do these wonderful remedies at home, but still, the best option is to have a professional dental cleaning. Only a dentist knows how to use a tooth scaler to remove tartar safely. The expertise and skills of the clinicians themselves are the secrets to remove plaques and tartar from teeth efficiently. Available Dental Care’s team of Campbelltown dentists can help you achieve perfect healthy teeth at an affordable price. Click on this link to visit their site.

What is Tartar?

Tartar, also called calculus, is the solid calcified deposits that develop and cover the teeth and gums. The bacteria typically occur in the mouth blends in with food residues to make a sticky film known as plaque. If you neglected the plaque, it solidifies and stains, forming into tartar.

The dentist explains how to remove tartar from teeth.

Tartar buildup will harm your teeth and gums. Other than its unsightly appearance, tartar can lead to tooth decay by forming and growing bacteria that consume the coating of the teeth, known as enamel.

Generally, tartar is yellow-brown and develops when plaque remains uncleaned from teeth for an extended period. This interaction requires about two weeks, yet some more preconditioned to tartar buildup may encounter it in a lot more limited period.

Indications of Tartar Buildup

If you want to know if you have tartar buildup, you will probably notice it by how your teeth feel. It gives a feeling of harsh substance in the mouth that brushing alone is not adequate. Once tartar shows up beneath the gum line, it can cause swellings that may bleed. Tartar buildup over the gumline is yellow and grows bigger if not eliminated. Beneath the gum line, it could be color brown or black.

Home Remedies to Remove Tartar from Teeth

There are several techniques to remove tartar from the comfort of your own home. These include:

Toothpaste with Baking Soda

Baking soda will not only help to whiten tour teeth, but it also helps prevent tartar buildup. Try shaking some baking soda onto a wet toothbrush and gently scrubbing both teeth and gums. It would be best to leave it for at least fifteen minutes before washing them.

Whitening Strips

Using hydrogen peroxide whitening strips daily can help remove tartar compared to those who simply brushed their teeth.


A study stated that consuming green tea may decrease the measure of microbes in your mouth. If you would prefer not to drink tea, use a mouthwash that contains tea in it.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Healthy eating is another easy and beneficial way to remove tartar from teeth. Fruits and vegetables can help wash away a portion of the bacteria in your mouth that make plaque since they promote vigorous chewing necessary for saliva production. Consuming sugar-free chewing gum can also have the same reasonable impact.

Water Flosser

The woman uses a water flosser to clean her teeth.

This device pulses water into the spaces between teeth to eliminate food particles and bacteria. Water flosser can be more viable than string floss in decreasing plaque, mainly if you use it correctly and consistently.


Mouthwashes that have bacteria-fighting ingredients such as some essential oils and cetylpyridinium, chlorhexidine can battle plaque and tartar. It is necessary to take note that you should utilize these rinses with brushing and flossing.

When getting a tartar-control rinse, look for the ADA Seal of Approval and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

The Professional Way to Remove Tartar

Periodic dental cleanings remove tartar buildup. In any case, only a dentist or dental hygienist can do this professional cleaning.

They will scrape away the tartar from your teeth using a hand-held metal scaler which is a device with a hook-like end. If you have an extreme measure of tartar that causes gum disease, your dentist may suggest a deep cleaning treatment that includes scaling and root planing.

  • A dentist will remove tartar and plaque above and below the gum line where the gum recedes from the tooth.
  • Then, the dentist will smooth out the teeth to help empower reattachment of the gum to the tooth.
  • In some cases, a laser might be used to eliminate bacteria deep within the gum line.

How Often to Have Dental Cleanings?

Usually, the recurrence of dental visits will depend on your oral health and your dentist’s proposal.

However, numerous dentists advise having a professional cleaning and checkup every six months. This condition will be varied if you have gum disease or are in danger of gum disease, requiring more dental visits. You will likewise require more frequent cleanings if you are susceptible to plaque formation.

Candidate for more often dental cleanings:

  • Individuals with dry mouth frequently because of aging or medications. While saliva contains bacteria, it also helps remove food particles.
  • People who have a physical flexibility problem like joint issues brush their teeth thoroughly.
  • Those who have conditions keeping them from completely understanding or finishing a dental hygiene practice


The best solution to remove tartar from teeth is to prevent it from developing. Rather than get to the phase of tartar buildup having to be expertly taken out, you can do simple practices to make your mouth healthy and away from the bacterial formation. These include:

Brush your teeth two times per day and use a soft-bristled or electronic toothbrush.

Also, remember to floss your teeth once a day because your toothbrush is not enough to reach all your tooth and gum surfaces. If you have a problem using traditional floss, converse with your dentist about other options such as interdental brushes.

Clean your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash after brushing to eliminate the bacteria buildup that you miss. Whether you have great brushing and flossing habits, you still require to visit your dentist for regular checkups. This appointment will help eliminate any plaque you missed with your at-home dental care routine. You can also talk to Balmoral Dental’s dental team in Bulimba if you need quality dental care.

dentist in clinic

How Dentists Identify The Right Dental Procedure For Their Patients

Dentists are doctors who specialize in looking after their patient’s oral health. They are particularly trained to ensure that they provide the right dental procedure for a patient with specific needs. At this dental clinic in Richmond, dentists have different dental specialties that can treat patients with eye conditions.

Types Of Dental Specialties

Before we proceed to the treatments that dentists provide, let us first determine their specialties and what dental procedure can each of them perform.

Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentist)
child patient

Most dentists are permitted to treat patients of all ages. However, pedodontists or pediatric dentists took extra training and programs to specialize in treating children. Their main objective is to guide young patients to have strong teeth all throughout the years under their care. It’s also important to note that kids’ oral health requires specific dental treatments due to the rapid development of their teeth and bones.


Endodontists specifically treat teeth pain that starts from within. They typically perform a root canal, a dental procedure that removes the soft center of the teeth, which is called the pulp. Generally, endodontists specialize in treating teeth and facial pain, which are both difficult to diagnose.

Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon treats a wide variety of conditions apart from dental issues. They offer reconstructive facial surgeries and procedures that involve the neck, head, jaw, and face.


Dentists that specialize in misaligned teeth are called orthodontists. They are the ones responsible for correcting malpositioned jaws and teeth. Some of the conditions that they provide a dental procedure to are teeth gaps, underbites, overbites, and jaw abnormalities.


Issues with regard to the gum are treated by periodontists. Their primary concern is the prevention of periodontal disease or gum infections. They can perform dental procedures like scaling and root planing.


If you have a damaged tooth, a prosthodontist is a doctor to look for. They can restore and replace broken and missing teeth by using dentures, dental implants, bridges, or crowns.

What Dental Procedure Do You Need

Below is the list of dental procedures that dentists perform to take care of their patient’s oral health.

Dental Braces

This dental procedure is meant to correct misalignment and bite issues. Dental braces are an orthodontic device that straightens the teeth to fix their incorrect positioning. A dental brace can be worn by adults, but dentists recommend if they will be worn during childhood for a better outcome.


Bonding is a procedure to fix chipped, broken, cracked, or damaged teeth. The treatment uses a tooth-colored composite resin to restore a person’s natural smile. While the main objective is to improve the smile, dental bonding is also used to make old teeth look younger.

Dental Implants and Bridges

A dental implant is needed to provide support for the synthetic tooth that will replace the missing tooth. It has many advantages, such as preventing the remaining teeth from shifting and bacterial infections. Bridges are used to replace missing teeth and restore the smile of its wearer. Check this website to learn more about tooth implants.

Caps and Crowns

Improving the appearance of the tooth is a dental procedure that can be achieved with the help of crowns and caps. These are placed on top of the teeth to restore their strength, appearance, size, and shape. It is the perfect dental procedure for broken, chipped, and decayed teeth.

Tooth Extraction

Sometimes, no dental procedure could ever save a tooth from damages and decay. When this happens, tooth extraction will the most viable solution left. This is the total removal of the tooth to prevent further damage to the surrounding teeth. However, to achieve the desired results, it is also done prior to orthodontic treatment.

senior lady with dentures

Dentures are appliances worn to replace missing teeth. They are also classified into two, the partial and full dentures. Partial dentures are used in replacement of missing teeth, and it is used if there are still remaining teeth to support the fake teeth. On the other hand, complete or full dentures are used to replace all the teeth.

Dental Fillings

Our teeth can be filled with different materials such as porcelain, ceramic, tooth-colored composite resin, amalgam, and even gold. This is the most common dental procedure to treat cavities. Fillings are also used to fix damaged and broken teeth that were caused by unhealthy habits.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals are a pretty in-demand procedure to treat tooth abscesses and diseases. The main goal of the treatment is to clean the infected tooth and remove the bacteria that resides inside. This is one of those procedures that is done in order to save the tooth and prevent extraction.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that most consumers are very fond of. The treatment uses whitening materials applied to the teeth, which are activated by a special light to whiten the teeth. And even though there are several teeth whitening kits available over the counter these days, professional procedures are still the best.


Another cosmetic procedure that many people are crazy about is veneers. This teeth restoration treatment uses porcelain to make the teeth look perfectly shaped. Veneers are placed in front of the teeth to conceal the imperfections. It is also a good treatment for discolored teeth due to aging.


Dental sealants are applied to the front of the teeth to provide protection. They prevent cavities from re-occurring and seals the teeth to ensure that no debris and bacteria will get in. Please visit Coorparoo’s trusted clinic, Complete Dental for all your dental needs.

at the dentist for scaling and root planing

What Is Scaling And Root Planing In The World Of Dentistry?

What is scaling and root planing? Do you show some interest in these dental procedures as well? If we are in the same boat, let me fill in your curiosity through this article. This article can help you gain more information about what is scaling and root planing. Let’s get it on!

What is scaling and root planing?

These are two steps involving one dental procedure. Its primary function is to treat gum disease, which usually occurs below the gum line.

do you want to know what is scaling and root planing? this image is an example.

Another term for this gum disease is periodontitis. If you do not undergo treatment for this, it can lead to bone and tooth loss.

Teeth scaling

The first step covers teeth scaling; wherein dental hygienist uses manual hand or ultrasonic instruments to dive into more profound part of the gum line.

An ultrasonic device produces sonic vibrations to remove plaque bacteria and tartar from the tooth surface and beneath the gum line.

Teeth scaling is excellent to work out stubborn cases of gum disease and keep it from getting worse. It is non-surgical, but it involves cleaning the areas below the gum line.

Root planing

In comparison with teeth scaling, root planing targets even deeper rough areas, such as the root surface. Root planing helps lessen gum tissue inflammation.

Additionally, it allows your gums to heal and restore firm attachment with your teeth. Your dental hygienist also needs to clean the smooth root surfaces because bacteria, plaque, and tartar also hide in there.

Furthermore, your hygienist or dentist in Dubbo at Advanced Dental Care may also put medicine directly into the treatment area to prevent developing infection.

When do you need scaling and root planing?

Everyone needs to visit their dentist regularly to get their teeth checked for any dental issue. If there are symptoms of gum disease, the dentist will likely address immediate treatment for it.

However, if the gum disease already escalated, scaling and root planing will be the treatment option necessary. This procedure aims to address chronic periodontal disease.

This dental procedure will help restore the health of your gums. Scaling includes scraping of plaque and tartar in your gum line, while root planing involves smoothing the tooth root.

Typical causes of chronic periodontal disease

Several factors cause the development of chronic periodontal disease. Working these out is necessary for prevention.

  • Poor dental hygiene is the number one cause. Other oral issues can occur as well.
  • Smoking is also one of the factors why a person can have quicker tartar buildup.
  • Additionally, aging can also affect a person’s oral health condition. People at older age become more prone to various diseases.
  • Besides that, poor nutrition increases the chances of developing oral diseases due to a lack of nutrients to fight against oral bacteria.
  • Lastly, other medical conditions can also lead to the development of periodontal disease.

Undergoing scaling and root planing help prevent even worse conditions. However, you might need more than one appointment with your dentist Complete Dental at Coorparoo, QLD to complete the treatment.

Risks of scaling and root planing

Generally speaking, risks are still possible despite what is scaling, and root planing can do. In this case, scaling and root planing can make harmful bacteria enter the bloodstream. Aside from that, your gum tissues are prone to the risk of having an infection.

A severe infection can become dangerous, which is why your dental hygienist or dentist will require you to take antibiotics before and after the procedure.

Furthermore, you can also get a heart infection they refer to as endocarditis. In effect, you might also need to take antibiotics for this. Besides that, it might lead to an impaired immune system.

For these reasons, you have to discuss every essential detail with your dental clinic partner. You have to be aware of all the consequences associated with the dental procedure you will undergo.

Benefits of a successful scaling and root planing

We asked a team of experienced dentists about the procedure. Click on this link to visit their website. Here are a few of the benefits you can expect after a successful procedure.

  • It can help prevent the disease from worsening. Addressing your periodontal disease at the earliest possible time will keep you from getting more infections that can travel to other parts of your body.
  • After this procedure, you will prevent tooth loss from occurring. Tooth loss will give you another oral concern in the long run.
  • Aesthetically, this procedure can make your mouth more pleasing. Aside from that, it can reduce bad breath and remove superficial stains on your teeth.


Did this article help you understand what is scaling and root planing? If yes, that would be great. In general, understanding a procedure is necessary before we get ourselves into it.

We have to prepare and be knowledgeable about it. This way, we can ensure our safety as well. On the other hand, our dentists are here to guide us throughout the process.

In the end, they will help us achieve excellent overall dental health, which we will enjoy in an extended period.

Go to Sure Smile Dental’s clinic in Coopers Plains to help you achieve a healthy smile today.

funny little girl holding aligners and braces

Aligners vs Braces: Which Is More Effective?

Aligners vs braces, which one of them is more effective? Many orthodontic treatment options are available already. However, how would you know which one is best for you? We will discuss two of the standard treatment options to straighten or move teeth. We’ll go with aligners first.


 a woman holding a sample of clear aligners

Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are plastic and custom-made replicas of your teeth. It will help move each teeth step by step towards their correct positions.

Dentists are also applying small portions of composite resin. As a result, the aligner will have a grip on the tooth and can move correctly.


Here are some of the advantages of using clear aligners:

  1. In terms of appearance, clear aligners are less noticeable. Some patients are not comfortable having something on their teeth that is easily noticeable to other people.
  2. Clear aligners are removable, especially when you are going to eat. For this reason, you will still be able to eat the food as usual.
  3. Additionally, using clear aligners, nothing would change how you brush and floss your teeth since it is removable.
  4. Your orthodontist pre-plans the movement of your teeth. For this reason, your actual dental visits are minimal and more uncomplicated.
  5. Aligners provide comfort to the users as compared to braces. Aside from that, it offers lesser irritation because of its smooth texture.


Even though clear aligners have advantages, there are also potential drawbacks to them.

  1. First and foremost, you have to wear it at least 22 hours per day to be effective. For this reason, your compliance will determine the final results.
  2. When you are in public, you may find it difficult to remove it in front of other people. Chances are you need to go to the bathroom to remove it.
  3. Dentists do not recommend aligners for complex teeth conditions.
  4. Lastly, aligners can be costly than braces.


Metal braces seem to be ordinary already nowadays, regardless of age. Some use it to correct teeth, while others are for recreational purposes only.

beautiful girl wearing braces

Braces consist of brackets that the dentist will affix to your teeth. Aside from that, they will thread wires through the brackets’ slots.

Braces use these wires to apply a constant yet gentle force to align the teeth to their correct position.


Below are the reasons why dentists typically choose metal braces to correct teeth alignment.

  1. Braces apply to all teeth cases.
  2. Metal braces can be in various types, with or without color. Another type of braces uses porcelain material which is a more discreet type.
  3. Furthermore, since braces are not removable, you will not lose them nor forget to wear them. In effect, you will be consistently wearing it.


Just like aligners, braces have their disadvantages as well.

  1. Cleaning your teeth will be more challenging with braces. If you are not particular and keen on cleaning your teeth, it can lead to oral issues.
  2. Moreover, having braces on your teeth will affect your diet as well. It will only mean you have to refrain from eating hard foods or sticky foods.
  3. Additionally, braces can rub on your cheeks and lips. As a result, it can cause you discomfort and irritation.
  4. Braces are more noticeable. For some patients, braces are not a good treatment option if they are not at ease with this being noticeable.
  5. Depending on your teeth condition, braces may take a longer time before you can achieve the final results. Furthermore, it may also require frequent dental visits, especially if the dentist has to make adjustments.

As shown above, braces and aligners both have their advantages and disadvantages that you should put into consideration. A discussion with an orthodontist will allow you to understand these better.

Besides that, you would also know all the consequences you will encounter by choosing any of these two treatment options.

Aligners vs Braces

Overall, we can say that braces are more effective as compared to using aligners. Braces are not removable, making you secured that you are complying with the treatment.

Aside from that, it can cover more oral problems that need fixing. In terms of cost, traditional braces are cheaper than aligners. Furthermore, it fits any age. Traditional braces can accommodate even the children’s teeth, unlike aligners. Typically, they are available for teens and adults only.

Aligners are prone to misplacement. If you don’t find it, you have to reinvest in a new aligner. It will only incur additional expenses. Losing aligners will also mean inconsistency with the treatment.

Overall, you have to consider here where you should benefit more and what can work on your teeth effectively. You and your dentist will decide on this together.


Generally speaking, people have different oral conditions. We cannot decide independently which orthodontic treatment option fits our situation. For this reason, an orthodontist’s opinion is essential.

Clear aligners vs braces have their specific advantages and disadvantages. However, they will still vary based on the necessity of the patient. Either of them may or may not work for an individual. That is why oral evaluations are necessary here.

Your treatment option should always match your oral condition. As a result, you will achieve effective outcomes in the long run. In this case, the price you paid will be worth it in the end.

Remember, you and your dentist at Gordon Family Dental are on the same boat and will sail towards the same goal. The goal to a straight and healthy set of teeth.

a healthier teeth means a better smile

Better Smile: Amazing Works In The World Of Dentistry

A better smile awaits every individual when they come to visit their dentist. The world of dentistry has grown stronger and broader in its scope. Additionally, it provides long-lasting effects for the patients. In this women-led dental team near Woollahra, you can experience high-quality, family-focused oral health care services. Come by with your family and also discover how trusting and caring this dental group is to give you the prettiest smile.

Better smile

Everyone wants to have the best smile a person could ever have. For this reason, cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry work together for the same purpose.

They aim to provide the most excellent and healthy smile to each patient that will come to them. Moreover, several procedures are available to meet the oral needs of the patients.

On the other hand, people tend to confuse how these two types differ from one another. Please take a look at the following details.

Cosmetic vs. General Dentistry

As can be seen, general dentistry covers the prevention and treatment of oral health diseases. On the other hand, cosmetic dentistry has its focus on the overall aesthetic appearance of our smiles.

However, a general or cosmetic oral professional can do treat your oral health problems. General dentists can become cosmetic dentists if they want to. They only have to attend training specific to cosmetic oral responsibilities.

General dentistry addresses oral problems relative to pain, discomfort, and oral hygiene. They can perform oral procedures, such as root canals, extractions, or fillings. On the other hand, they can also perform cosmetic procedures limitedly, such as teeth whitening and bonding.

Meanwhile, if you want to have a better smile by improving your tooth appearance, a cosmetic dentist can help you. Cosmetic oral professionals can do procedures, such as veneers, teeth whitening, inlays and onlays, implants, dentures, fillings, and a smile makeover. Visit this team’s page to see what they offer.

Combination of cosmetic and general dentistry

In some cases, these can overlap one another. Some circumstances require the application of cosmetic procedures with a general oral procedure.

For example, a patient experienced an injury affecting the front tooth, such as chips. In this case, the affected tooth needs restoration to prevent decay. Aside from that, it significantly affects the appearance of the person’s smile.

They will do a procedure depending on the actual condition of the patient’s tooth. So, in general, it would not be easy to draw a definite line between these two types.

However, the first thing to remember is; the dentist who will perform such procedures is well-educated and has undergone sufficient training.


In general, dental professionals have a common goal in performing their job responsibilities. They aim to provide their patients the best dental health condition.

Furthermore, an evaluation is necessary to know who should perform the procedure applicable to you.

Whether preventive or restorative, these procedures will help you improve your oral health condition and top have a better smile in the end.

Overall, you can only achieve a better smile if you practice good oral health habits.

Smile and the world smiles back at you! Ya-ha!

woman covering her mouth

Foods That Cause Bad Breath: How They Make Your Breath Stink

Have you ever been told that your breath smells awful? Maybe you are not aware but bad breath could be due to several causes. One of the main reasons is probably your love for foods that can cause bad breath. Professionals state that breath odor can be prevented with proper oral health care and regular dental visits. Dental 266’s clinic in Burwood can help solve this issue. Check out this link to visit their website.

Foods Causing Bad Breath

Bad breath can be very frustrating. It has a lot of negative effects not only on how you present yourself to other people but it also prevents you from speaking confidently. Eventually, when the condition got worse, it can even affect your mental health and relationships.

It can be quite exasperating when despite your maximum efforts to maintain your oral health, halitosis or bad breath still persists. Before you lose hope, know that there are certain foods that can significantly cause bad breath. After contacting a dental team in Marsden for advice, we compiled the list below for you to see if the foods that might lead to unpleasant breath:

female checking the smell of her breath
  1. Protein. People who eat protein foods excessively often suffer from bad breath. According to dentists, the odor occurs because protein has a certain smell (like cat pee) that escapes through the mouth after it has been digested.
  2. Citrus fruits. Although citrus fruits do not specifically cause bad breath, their effect on your mouth basically invites bacteria to stay in. Bacteria are very much into acidic environments making citrus fruits an open invitation for odor-causing bacteria to feast in your mouth.
  3. Pasta. Pasta, particularly red sauce pasta can start acid build-up in your mouth and eventually cause bad breath. When eating foods like this, be sure to keep a glass of water beside you so you can easily wash away the odor.
  4. Fish from a can. Compared to fresh fishes, canned fish like tuna and salmon can produce a very strong odor when eaten. But what’s great about it is that it won’t cause permanent bad breath and can usually be washed off with drinks.
  5. Dairy products. Certain foods in the dairy products group contain several amino acids that can cause a reaction when introduced to the bacteria residing in the mouth. When amino acids and bacteria are combined, hydrogen sulfide takes place and bad breath follows.
  6. Peanut butter. If you are an avid fan of peanut butter, you already know how sticky this food is. Due to its sticky consistency, it’s hard to instantly remove and wash it away. Peanut butter residue can even stay in some areas of your mouth for quite some time. These particles cause bad breath when not thoroughly cleaned.
  7. Garlic and onions. The most popular foods that cause bad breath are definitely garlic and onions. These two exhibits strong and powerful taste and odor and are usually part of the recipe of so many different dishes.
  8. Coffee. Your bad breath could be due to your ultimate love for coffee. This hot drink is often the most important part of most people’s morning routine. But apparently, this beverage can also cause bad breath because of its drying effect in the mouth. A dry mouth hinders the production of saliva which gives the odor-causing bacteria the freedom to form and linger.
  9. Horseradish. The strong smell of horseradish is its natural defense against animals. One of the main reasons why horseradish is used in many dressings and sauces is because of its distinct flavor and smell. Unfortunately, since its odor is so strong, consuming it can give your breath a foul odor.
  10. Alcohol. Obviously, almost all alcohol has a smell that not everybody likes. Like coffee, alcohol can also cause dry mouth and allow bacteria to grow in which gives you bad breath.

Foods That Fight Off Bad Breath

Maintaining your oral health is the best way to prevent halitosis. Brushing your teeth regularly, using a mouth rinse, flossing, and regular dental appointments as the Evergreen Dental team advises, will complete a good dental hygiene regimen. But did you know that certain foods are also helpful in keeping your breath fresh? The foods listed below are effective in fighting off bacteria that cause bad breath:

female drinking
  • Water. This beverage is the healthiest and best beverage that our body could greatly benefit from. Water keeps us healthy and hydrated as it rinses away toxins and bacteria from our body.
  • Yogurt. Most yogurt that you can buy these days contains probiotics that are very effective in fighting bacteria. Eating yogurt two to three times a week can reduce the foul odor in your breath.
  • Cherries. Research shows that cherries have the ability to eliminate the foul odor of methyl mercaptan, a gas that causes intense halitosis which can usually be found in some foods.
  • Crunchy fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables like apples, celery, and carrots promote good saliva production and keep your mouth moisturized. It’s also a bonus that they are high in fiber which also acts as a natural toothbrush. Remember the saying about apples? “An apple day keeps the doctor away” can also be rephrased as “An apple a day keeps the bad breath away” as it contains triple power to prevent halitosis.
  • Herbs. Basil and parsley contain a natural chemical called polyphenols which is an effective remedy for bad breath.
  • Ginger. Even though ginger does not taste good, it’s a healthy and natural solution against bad breath. Use it as a mouth rinse by combining sliced ginger with water and lemon.
  • Green tea. Aside from its many health benefits, green tea can also fight off bacteria with its natural antioxidants.

You can also prevent bad breath by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating foods that can cause bad breath may be bad enough but it could get worse when combined with excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. You may also opt to make adjustments in your diet as it might contain certain foods that give you bad breath. If you are wearing dentures, be sure to keep them clean all the time and store them in dry and sterilized storage.

The young woman is smiling at the camera.

Having White Stains on Teeth? (Get Rid Of Them)

Do your white stains on teeth hinders you from smiling completely? Or are you bothered by the different white spot on your teeth? Whatever your reason is, this condition can affect the quality of your life. According to dentists, these noticeable white stains result in many reasons. But do not worry! This kind of dental problem is treatable, and several methods are available.

Understand More About White Stains on Teeth

Having a great smile with charming white teeth can be an indication of excellent dental health. Hence, many individuals do whatever they can to maintain their smile as white as possible.

The woman has a regular dental cleaning.

This incorporates brushing every day, having routine dental cleanings, and applying teeth whitening products. However, in some cases, white stains develop on the teeth.

This shade of white is distinguishable to the remainder of your teeth, and a few individuals find this annoying. White stains on the teeth might be an indication of decay, so it is essential to know the cause.

Causes of White Stains on Teeth

White stains usually form on your teeth as a result of more than one reason. Your dentist can enlighten you about the definite causes, and afterwards determine the ideal approach to cure your condition. Here are the common causes of white stains on your teeth.


Eating such a large number of acidic foods can result in this different shade of white on your teeth. This is due to the profoundly acidic foods consume your tooth enamel. This external surface shields your teeth from harm.

An eating routine high in sugar likewise causes the development of acidic plaque, which can disintegrate enamel. Acidic foods and beverages incorporate soft drinks and certain fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.

Another triggering factor of these white stains on teeth is the acid reflux. This is because it produces acid in the stomach, throat, and mouth. As your tooth enamel collapse, you may encounter different side effects like sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks.


Fluoride reinforces teeth and forestalls decay, yet an excess of fluoride in creating teeth can have the opposite effect, causing discoloration and decay. This can occur when kids devour too many fluoridated drinks or swallow fluoride toothpaste. Also, fluorosis causes pitted enamel, which makes it difficult to clean the teeth.

Enamel hypoplasia

Contrast to fluorosis; enamel hypoplasia refers to having less than typical. It results from a nutritional deficit that causes mineral misfortune in the tooth. Offenders incorporate conditions like celiac infection, where the body experiences issues retaining supplements due to a weakened immune system.

Taking antibiotics to cure a fever can likewise meddle with nutrient absorption. Also, smoking while pregnant may cause enamel hypoplasia in children. Other symptoms of this condition incorporate having lines or grooves in the teeth and tooth sensitivity.

Plaque accumulation

White stains on the teeth can likewise develop because of a buildup of bacteria plaque. This dental issue is the consequence of poor oral hygiene, like not brushing or flossing on a regular basis. Furthermore, it can happen as a result of wearing braces.

These blemishes, which may show up on the teeth after eliminating braces, are brought about by a development of plaque stores underneath or around the actual area of sections. Inadequate dental hygiene or a failure to eliminate plaque between brackets cause this demineralization of the tooth. The tooth may show up unpleasant and chipped.

Sleeping with your mouth open

You may see white stains on your teeth when you get up in the morning that disappears after a couple of hours. This occurrence frequently caused by sleeping with your mouth open throughout the night. These white stains are brought about by lack of hydration of the enamel surface of your teeth. When saliva hits the teeth, they will rehydrate, and the white stain will vanish.

Treatment for White Stains on the Teeth

White stains on teeth can happen to some people and may affect the quality of life. However, there are various treatment options to remove these distinguishable spots.


This technique eliminates a layer of enamel from the surface of the tooth utilizing mild abrasion. Microabrasion can eliminate white stains and enhance the presence of teeth.


The man has a successful teeth whitening procedure.

This technique is a teeth whitening method performed under the supervision of a doctor. The process of bleaching helps balance the shade of your tooth’s enamel. Treatment adequately helps the whole tooth, so it coordinates the color of the white spots.

Bleaching is not an ideal treatment for individuals who have white stains on their teeth from abusing fluoride. This procedure can further bleach the white stains, bringing about the spots taking on a different shade of white.


Depending on the degree of the white stains, your dentist may propose covering them with a porcelain veneer. This treatment includes the formation of custom porcelain that is permanently attached to the outside of your teeth.

Nasal decongestants

In case a viral infection or cold is making you clogged, take nasal decongestants before going to sleep. This treatment will help you rest with your mouth shut.

Chin straps

This approach will help you close your mouth while sleeping. Wearing a chin strap during your rest can help you keep your mouth shut.

Porcelain Veneers

Are Veneers Worth It? The Value of Cosmetic Dentistry

One of the most popular methods in cosmetic dentistry is the restoration of one’s smile with the help of dental veneers. It improves the quality of the teeth’s appearance and gives a significant boost in one’s confidence. But the question is, are veneers worth it? Does going through the entire procedure worth the money and effort? In this article, we prepared a comprehensive overview of dental veneers. We will cover the perks and benefits that you can achieve with them as well as a brief description of how it’s done. If you want to learn more, you can consult Dr Jack from Beyond Infinity Dental in Castle Hill by clicking on the link provided.

What’s a Dental Veneer?

A dental veneer (also known as porcelain veneer) is an ultra-thin shelling or laminate that is designed to improve the quality of one’s smile by covering the surface of the front teeth. The shells can be moulded into the patient’s preferred shape, colour, and size before it’s bonded to the front teeth. The materials vary from porcelain to composite resin. You can discuss your preference with your dentist so you can be informed about the advantages of each type. 

Dental Problems That Veneers Can Fix

Teeth Discolouration:

  • After root canal
  • Stains from antibiotic like tetracycline
  • Too much fluoride
  • A large amount of tooth filling (resin)
  • Coffee stains and other food
  • Smoking

Other reasons:

  • Worn-down tooth
  • Chipped or broken tooth
  • Misaligned teeth (bulges, gaps, crooked)

Dental veneers can fix these problems efficiently. As you can see, veneers can improve the aesthetic quality of your teeth in more ways than one. Not only does it restore the colour of your teeth, but it can also improve the quality of your bite and jaw alignment by fixing broken teeth. Before we talk about the benefits, let’s take a brief look at the procedure.

Porcelain Veneer Procedure

Diagnosis and Planning of Treatment

Your dentist will examine your teeth’s condition first and discuss the adequate treatment plan. Depending on the result, your dentist will recommend the appropriate steps for the procedure. The process typically involves an Xray so that your dentist will get a comprehensive view of your teeth’s structure. Once the results are finalised, the actual procedure will begin. Below are the steps:


The process is done to make sure that your teeth will accommodate the thin layer of laminate that will be bonded on its surface. The idea is to keep the natural thickness of your teeth so that there will be no noticeable changes in appearance after the procedure. Your teeth will be trimmed to the appropriate shape to give the porcelain veneer a perfect fit, and in some cases, if tooth decay is present, the damaged part will also be removed. Anesthetic is typically not required; however, if you have sensitive teeth or if the decay is prominent, your dentist will administer anesthesia to reduce the discomfort. 

Colour Shading

As the name implies, this process is to make sure that the colour of the porcelain veneer matches the natural colour of your teeth. You can ask your doctor to use a whiter shade if more than one tooth is covered.

Structure Impression

In this process, your dentist will make a copy of the entire structure of the affected area by putting a putty or paste to make the mould. The mould will be used as a model to create the porcelain veneer. The importance of this process is to make sure that the porcelain veneer will get an accurate fit.

Temporary Veneer Placement (if required)

The fabrication of the permanent veneer takes one or two weeks to complete. And since your teeth have been trimmed, temporary veneers might be needed. The idea is to reduce sensitivity when eating or drinking. However, of the amount of the trimmed surface is very minimal, then you can opt-out of getting the temporary fix. You can discuss your options with your dentist at this point.

Bonding Evaluation 

At this stage, your dentist will temporarily bond the porcelain veneer on your teeth to check and evaluate the shape, colour, and fitting. You will also determine if there’s discomfort so your dentist can make the appropriate adjustments if necessary. 

Permanent Bonding

After careful evaluation and possible modifications, your dentist will bond the veneer to your teeth permanently. This method involves etching, where an acid etching gel is applied to your teeth so that the bonding becomes efficient. 


After the bonding, your dentist will re-check the fit for possible adjustments. In some cases, the excess shape may need to be trimmed. You will also be asked to test your bite to confirm the veneer’s stability. You can tell your dentist for any discomfort at this stage so that the necessary fix can be made. We also recommend a follow-up checkup for better results.

The Benefits of Dental Veneers

Now that you have an idea on what a dental veneer is and the procedure, it’s time to talk about its benefits. At this point, you will be able to determine the answer to the question: Are veneers worth it? 

Aesthetic Quality: It is without a doubt that veneers improve the quality of your smile dramatically. With an impressive appearance, you can get a significant boost in your overall confidence.

Improved Bite: Having the gaps filled, and the chips repaired, you can enjoy eating like before. Your bite will get a considerable improvement which helps the breakdown of food. Your digestive system benefits as well.

Improved Speech: Misaligned teeth together with the gaps, can affect the way you utter words. With the help of dental veneers, you can utter every phrase clearer.

Final Note

Our final take on dental veneers is positive. The answer to the question: Are veneers worth it? – is yes. Not only does it improve the appearance of your smile, but it also contributes significantly to your overall health. So, if you have oral problems that dental veneers can fix, we highly recommend getting dental veneers as soon as possible. 

woman with braces

What Are The Foods You Can’t Eat With Braces?

Wearing braces could cause discomfort and irritability most especially if you are not yet used to wearing one. Getting braces has its own perks and disadvantages. For example, there are certain foods you can’t eat with braces. You should modify your diet once you get metal braces, soft foods are more adviseable, and sticky foods like gum, hard chocolates and pretzels are to avoid.

Braces treatment takes a long period of time. This method usually lasts for 16 to 18 months depending on the actual state of the teeth before getting braces. In rare cases, this could extend for up to 2 years. This means 2 years of constant dental care, braces aftercare, and dental appointments.

Use Of Braces

The main purpose of dental braces is to treat and fix dental problems. We must try to take care of it properly by strictly following professional advice and suggestion in keeping dental braces damage-free.

dental braces

Braces are made of several materials that orthodontists use to correct out of line or improperly adjusted teeth and jaws. Correcting the teeth position is important as it plays a vital role in our overall health. A misguided tooth can cause serious dental problems which may have irreversible effects on dental health. Wearing braces will resolve this dental problem.

It takes time before the teeth get fully fixed by braces that’s why there are certain rules to follow to help the braces do its function undisturbed. Foods to avoid, proper dental care, and braces aftercare are just some of the few things to consider when wearing braces.

Foods To Avoid While Wearing Braces

Not being able to eat your favorite comfort foods could be a really big bummer. But remember that you are only doing this so that you could enjoy your food even more after your braces are removed. Keep in mind that healthy teeth are equivalent to a happier eating habit. Here is the list of foods that you should avoid with braces;

  • Sticky foods. Stuck gums or caramel could cause serious damage to the braces. Forcefully taking off of these sticky foods from braces can cut the archwire that connects the brackets attached to the teeth.
  • Crunchy foods. Chips and popcorn can directly knock off brackets and wires leaving your braces in a complete mess. This is a situation you would not want to be in cause it will require immediate dental attention.
  • Hard foods. Eating hard taco shells and peanuts may bend archwires. Try to eat slowly or slice the food into tiny pieces to avoid harm to the braces.
  • Sugary foods. Sugar causes the rapid increase of acid on the mouth resulting in tooth decay. You wouldn’t want to have another tooth issue while you’re still in the process of correcting your teeth positioning.
  • Chewy foods. Constantly eating chewy foods such as bagels and licorice can damage the rubber bands and wires of the braces.
  • Foods that require biting effort. When wearing braces, even vegetables and fruits can become harmful. Foods like corn on the cob, an apple, and carrots require biting that can lead to breakage of the wires and bracket.

Using your teeth for other things aside from eating and chewing can also break your braces. Opening a cap of battle or a plastic bag of chips using teeth for example can cause the bracket to come loose. This will make the treatment process longer and may lead to a negative outcome.

Foods To Eat With Braces

Generally, when you finally started to adjust to your newly placed braces, you can eat anything you want given that you follow precautionary measures. But while you are still in the process of figuring out how to properly chew foods with braces, soft foods are more likely safer to eat. This includes:

damaged dental braces
  • Dairy. Puddings and soft cheese are easy to chew and would not leave too much residue on the teeth.
  • Grains. Cooked rice and soft pasta are okay to eat as long as you chew on them carefully.
  • Bread. This food is easy to eat as it melts in the mouth and does not require extreme biting effort.
  • Vegetables. Mashed potatoes and steamed beans are good to eat. Avoid eating uncooked vegetables as these foods can be hard to bite.
  • Fruits. Some fruits like bananas and applesauce are a good substitute if you are craving to eat something sweet.
  • Treats. Soft foods like ice cream, jellies, and milkshakes as long as taken with precautions are generally okay to eat.

The final result of your braces entirely depends on how you take care of it. You can also maintain the good shape of your braces by knowing the proper dental care needed for sustaining damage-free braces.

After Getting Braces

After the procedure of getting braces, there are few things that you need to keep in mind prior to leaving the dental clinic. First, check if the wire ends are not causing discomfort to your cheek. Sometimes, wires are left extended poking gums or tongue. Second, consult the dentist on your next step, know what are the important things for you to do until your next appointment takes place. Third, make sure that you have enough dental supplies to maintain the braces, dental waxes, cleaning aids, rubber bands, and all the other materials that you will be needing for proper braces care. Lastly, book you next appointment then and there, most of the time, the dentist will be the one to choose the date for you, make sure that you arrive on the exact date for your brace adjustment.

Damaged Braces

So what happens if your braces got damaged? Is there any way to fix it? If a bracket or wire breaks, try to stay calm and avoid touching the braces. As soon as this takes place, do not let the damage stay unfixed for a long period of time. There are things to follow when this occurs:

  1. Check the wires and brackets to see the severity of the damage.
  2. Do not attempt to replace the broken wires with other wires that you can find at home.
  3. Book an appointment with your dentist immediately. Letting the damage sit for too long may lead to poor results.
  4. While waiting for your appointment, avoid eating hard foods in the meantime.

Dental Braces Aftercare

You must continue taking care of your oral cavity as you used to, only this time, you will be adding more effort in doing so since you will also need to clean your braces. To avoid oral health problems, see the guide below:

dental appointment
  1. Regular cleaning of teeth. When wearing braces, the normal brushing of teeth may not be enough. Gently brush the brackets and areas underneath the wires is important to remove plaque-causing tartar.
  2. Floss once a day. Food particles stuck in between the teeth may not be cleaned by brushing alone. There are certain flossing products designed for people with braces.
  3. Rinse and check. After brushing and flossing, check to see if you were able to clean all throughout your mouth.
  4. Use mouthwash. This contains antiseptic which is essential in killing bacterias residing in the mouth. It is also important in fighting bad breath and preventing tooth decay.