Bad breath happens for a lot of reasons. Most of the time it occurs due to poor oral hygiene and food choices. But do stomach ulcers cause bad breath? The answer is yes. In most cases, the bacteria (H. pylori infection) that caused ulcers is the reason why bad breath along with other symptoms takes place. If this is the case, you may opt to visit your dentist to treat halitosis immediately. You can contact MLD Burwood today if you want freshen your breath.
Relationship Between Stomach Ulcers and Bad Breath

So how exactly do stomach ulcers and bad breath relate to each other? A lot of experts have debated about putting the blame on H. pylori infection alone. Mainly because the bacteria do not have a foul odor. However, it has been detected that patients with stomach ulcers are typically carrying another type of bacteria, the Prevotella intermedia. This bacteria is the result of poor oral hygiene which leads to periodontal disease. Most likely, if H. pylori and Prevotella intermedia are combined, bad breath occurs.
A recent study shows that people with stomach cancer and ulcers generally manifest bad breath as well. Our mouth houses hundreds of different species, including multiple good and bad bacteria. Helicobacter pylori have been consistently present in individuals with bad breath and ulcers, making it the common denominator for both health problems. If you are suspecting that your bad breath is caused by ulcers or stomach cancer, it’s best to consult your doctor right away.
Treatment for Bad Breath Due to Ulcers
The best way to get rid of bad breath is by determining its root cause. No matter how hard you try to improve your poor oral hygiene, the foul odor will never go away if it’s mainly because of stomach cancer or other health issues.
To effectively diagnose the cause of your bad breath, be warier of the smell of your breath. This will help you describe the symptoms to the doctor and eventually guide them in finding the best solutions.
For example, if you notice that your stomach is being sensitive to particular foods, then your bad breath is most likely due to stomach acid. But if the smell of your breath is somehow close to the scent of ammonia, kidney infection might be the reason behind it. Take note of these things and explain them clearly to your doctor during your checkup. Your doctor will come up with the best solution if they understood your situation distinctly.
Other Causes Of Bad Breath
Apart from stomach cancer and ulcers, bad breath is also due to poor oral hygiene and many other things. An expert team listed below the most common causes of bad breath that you are probably not aware of:
Dry mouth
Dry mouth has many causes such as drinking alcohol and sleeping with an open mouth. But let us focus on how it is causing bad breath in the mouth. Our mouths need a substantial amount of saliva to keep them healthy. Without enough supply of saliva, the mouth gets dry and that becomes an open invitation for bacteria to come in. The bacteria will be the main cause of bad breath.
Uncleaned tongue
The tongue should not be disregarded in cleaning the mouth. Aside from brushing your teeth and flossing, scraping the tongue should be part of the routine as well. Bacteria also likes to reside in the tongue and cause bad breath. To prevent this, use a tongue scraper regularly.
Low carb diet
If you are on a low-carb diet and your meals are mostly composed of proteins, your body will begin to burn fat to get energy. This process will definitely make you lose weight but the side effect would be bad breath. Bad breath occurs because the fat burning process will produce ketones, a compound that causes foul odor. Good oral care will not solve this matter since the cause is not coming from the mouth, you may conceal the odor with minty gum instead.
Common colds
It may not be noticeable but a common cold can also cause bad breath. Bronchitis and respiratory tract infection are often associated with bad breath. This is because the bacteria that causes these colds feeds on mucus. In addition, mouth breathing becomes a habit due to a stuffed nose.
Whether we like it nor not, medications have side effects that we cannot escape from. Unfortunately, for some drugs, that includes an unpleasant breath odor. A lot of anti-depressants are proven to cause dry mouth which results in bad breath. Sometimes, there is no way to change your prescribed medication, dentists suggest keeping yourself hydrated instead.
Tonsil stones
Apparently, tonsil stones are also one of the things to blame for stinky breath. when food particles, debris, bacteria, mucus, and dead cells get trapped together in the ridge of your tonsils and back of the tongue, they create white clusters. Oftentimes, these things do not cause any serious problem, but bad breath is definitely on its way. They also get removed on their own, but for a faster process, gargle with saltwater.
Dried fruits

Are you an avid fan of dried fruits? Well, get ready as your favorite snack might be responsible for your bad breath. The reason behind this is because dried fruits are sticky, and sticky foods cause plaque that leads to bad breath and tooth decay. Plus, dried fruits are high in sugar which is also the reason for decaying teeth.
GERD has many other symptoms. And one of them is bad breath. This is due to the smell of the undigested food from your stomach that goes back up. If this is the case, talk to your doctor about the best solutions.
Periodontal disease
Poor oral hygiene has plenty of consequences. Neglecting your oral health might cause you many things. It might result in tooth loss, bad breath, and other health complications. The best way to avoid this from happening is by practicing good dental hygiene.
A foul odor and bad breath are some of the most unlikeable traits a person could ever have. Even though it’s a result of a health condition, not everyone will be very understanding of their causes. Consult your doctor on how to get rid of the smell. Get informed about your options!