Types Of Exercise To Reduce Belly Fat For Female At Home
Belly fat is the excess fat that surrounds the organs inside the stomach. Doing exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home is possible. You can check out for the latest gym equipment like the Torsonator to add up in your exercise routines.
They also refer to belly fat as the visceral fat. You can find a visceral fat beneath the muscles of the stomach. Belly fat affects the body and can put a person’s health at significant risk if there is too much of it in the body.
It provides negative impacts on the body organs. It causes the production of excess hormones and chemicals, which means to say that the person is highly at risk of developing diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.
With this in mind, a person with too much visceral fat should undergo weight loss programs. They can ask for a trainer’s assistance to choose the right exercise to reduce the visceral fat.
Determining when to reduce belly fat
Based on research studies, a female has a higher more percentage of body fat compared to a male. One way to determine if there is excess belly fat is to conduct measurement at home. Using a measuring tape, measure the bare stomach, directly above the hip bone. Unhealthy waist measurement for women is 35 inches or more, while for men is 40 inches above.

If you have the measurements above, it is an indication that you have to reduce belly and undergo weight loss exercises. Since most women are staying at home, let’s discuss some exercises that they can do at home. Buy here your fitness equipment and start your program.
Exercises to reduce belly fat
It is better to start doing exercises to work out the excess visceral fat. It will help prevent higher risks of diseases that too much visceral fat can contribute. There are common and straightforward types of exercises that we listed below.
- Lying leg raises: These is well-known as the killer abs exercise. It helps alleviate low back pain and improves the overall stability and strength of the core.
- Leg in and out: It builds more muscular abs, increase stability and strength, melts belly fat, and tone your body, particularly the stomach.
- Scissor kicks: This exercise works on the core muscles, quads and adductors. Strong core muscles reduce back pain and improve your balance.
- Crunches: It is the most popular type of exercise for the abdomen. It tightens the belly and helps the buildup of six-pack abs.
- Bicycle crunches: This workout exercise can also increase core strength, targets slimmer waist and improves flexibility and stability as well. Its constant movement increases the heart rate and the number of calories burned.
- Sit-ups: it is also one of the well-known basic exercises. Sit-ups provide a lot of benefits to your body.
- Jackknife crunches: It directly targets the abdominal muscles, especially the lower stomach. There are several variations of the jackknife crunches that you can use.
- Russian twist: This exercise is a great calorie burner, especially if you want to achieve a flat stomach. It will certainly keep you in shape.
- Crossbody mountain climbers: This exercise is good at targeting the entire abdominal region. It even improves upper body strength. Additionally, it provides stability in the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
- Plank: Observing a good posture in this exercise will help you maintain your bones aligned. Including plank as one of your daily routines will help you strengthen your spine and abdominal muscles.
If you feel any pain after these workouts, you can go to a massage or a chiropractic clinic to alleviate the pain.
Other options to reduce or remove belly fat
Aside from exercising, there are other remedies that you can do to reduce or remove your belly fat. We stated a few of them below.

- It is good to eat plenty of foods containing soluble fiber. This fiber promotes weight loss since it can make you feel full. Therefore, it makes you eat lesser.
- Refrain from eating foods that contain trans fats. Aside from contributing to belly fat formation, trans fats are also contributor or inflammation and heart diseases.
- Drink alcohol moderately. Too much of this results in gaining belly fat.
- Eat foods containing high protein. It is an essential factor for weight management.
- Learn how to manage your stress. Excessive production of the stress hormone contributes to the gain of belly fat as well.
- Reduce your intake of sugary foods. Aside from belly fats, it also triggers several chronic diseases.
- Improve your carb intake. Limit your intake of refined carbs to improve metabolic health and lessen belly fat.
- Consider replacing your cooking oil with coconut oil. Coconut oils help boost metabolism and decrease stored fats.
As shown above, it only proves that belly fat results in our actions. Starting from the food we eat, up to the activities we do daily. If we do not take action about it, which includes prevention and reduction, belly fat can lead us to boundless dangers. Get on your treadmill or go out for running, eat healthy and keep fit.