Anorexia is an extreme loss of body weight due to an exhausting diet on the basis of a mental disorder. The term “anorexia nervosa” first appeared in the scientific literature in 1988, although the roots of this eating disorder go back to early Middle Ages. In those distant times, the culture of asceticism was living in the minds of the people.
But the epidemic level was reached by anorexia just at the beginning of the XXI century when people keeping diets and obsessed with the idea of weight loss. Being afraid to become thick again, they cannot stop. This extreme loss of weight could affect your facial features and other parts of your body which can result to complete physical exhaustion.
How does the disease develop?
Anorexia weight loss doesn’t happen suddenly. This disorder most often lasts for months or even years. Usually, it starts with an unlimited desire to lose some extra pounds, but the danger of the disease is that patients are always unhappy looking at the result.
How to recognize a disease?
The anorexia has the following signs:
- A slim girl is always dissatisfied with her look; she spends a lot of time in front of a mirror and constantly insists that she is fat;
- During strict diets, she dramatically loses weight, but does not stop there, continuing to torment herself with fasting;
- She is trying to feed a dog with her lunch, hides food, and then throws it away or imperceptibly transfers it to other people’s plates;
- The constant use of laxatives, the use of enemas; frequent vomiting should also alert;
- The amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), which occurs due to a sharp decrease in weight.
Treatment of patients with anorexia weight loss begins with their urgent hospitalization. After visual inspection of the patient, Home Doctors Melbourne first of all try to return the patient’s normal weight. For this, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed. It helps to increase calorie food content. At the same time, it is extremely important for a person with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, to be surrounded by the love and care of native people, without which, the treatment won’t be effective.